Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Girl Code

So, I wrote this story in like. . . half an hour. Maybe less. I was bored, had a few minutes, and decided, why not? It's completely ridiculous, but I think it's kind of funny. Oh, and it's not meant to be deep or anything. It really is just a ridiculous story that I busted out in a few minutes, and I decided to post it because the site has been boring lately.

Running is hard work.

I'm not kidding! Sweat was pouring down my face as I ran against the conveyer belt, my eyes fixed at some nonexistent point in the distance, trying NOT to think about how fast I was going and how tired I was. But that never really works.

Running is one of those weird exercises that most people hate—who're sane– some people love—they're the crazy ones– and some do just because they have to—that's me. I don't completely hate it, I think it's fun to feel the stretch and pull of your muscles, the feeling of going and going and going and never stopping, but on the other hand. . .

My lungs were stretching and pulling and I wanted to stop really badly.

But I didn't. Like always I pushed on, forcing my legs to keep going even though I didn't really want to. Running was the time when life just seems to flash before your eyes, you know? Like having a near death experience in a half hour. It could be called wonderful, but ever since my ipod broke it meant that I had to sit-- well, run-- through all of my problems every day. It was extremely annoying.

At the moment, the problems were all related to one thing: boys. Like always. This time it was my best friends boyfriend. He was flirting with me and making me exceedingly uncomfortable. But on the other hand. . . I'd liked Chris for more than half a year. Both Rachel and I had. When she'd caught him I'd respectfully backed off because that's what best friends do. You don't break that girl code. You just don't. Not unless you wanted to lose yourself a friend at least.

But now. . . he was totally flirting with me. And his eyes followed me whenever I moved. I couldn't help but think he was admiring my runners body. Speaking of which. . . Dang was it time to STOP yet? Nope. Still had fifteen minutes to go. Blast.

He had the most gorgeous dirty blond hair, it was cropped short, and I knew it was fun to fuzz. We all teased each other, and he fuzzed my head so I fuzzed his back. He has really, really good hair. Ugh. . . This train of thought was not helping me.

Rachel and I had been friends since we were two. Our mom's had been college buddies and they'd lived near each other after that. It was a miracle that neither of them ever moved, and Rachel and I had grown up together. We'd had our fair share of fights, who didn't? But life was good. We always made up and we'd gone through High School together, liking different boys the ENTIRE time. Our taste was COMPLETELY different. And yet. . . Why did she have to fall for Chris too? Chris was the only guy we could ever agree on that was completely hot. Completely gorgeous, which is weird because normally she had totally weird taste in guys, I mean. . Totally. But here we are. . . grrrr. ..

Run, run, run, run, run. . .

Why do I even care about this? This is crazy.

Run, run run run run run run run run. .

I'm so tired. . .

Runrunrunrunrun. . .
He has green eyes. . .

Runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrun. .

“Lucy!” Rachel called. I yelped, twisting my head. My foot slipped, right off the conveyer belt.

Oh snap.

My legs flew backwards, sending my face straight into the tredmill. I fell forward, sliding down and collapsed onto the ground. My heart was still going a million miles an hour, my face was covered in sweat, and I was seeing double.

And laughing hysterically.

“Lucy, are you okay?!” Rachel ran over to me, trying to help me to my feet. I laughed her off, waving my hand nonchalantly.

“I. . hahaha,” I drew a deep breath, “Guess I have my answer.” Confusion cross my best friends face as I took her hand and she pulled me to my feet.

“And what's that?” she asked.

“I'm an idiot.” I grinned, giving her a gross sweaty hug.

I fell off a tredmill the other day, hahaha, it was great.

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